Tuesday 5 August 2008

Technological breakdown and breastfeeding

We've had a bit of a technological breakdown in our house recently. The internet keeps going down and we're not sure why. The sure-fire way of fixing it, technically known as turning it off and on again has only sometimes been successful, so I haven't been on here too much.

What's more, when we had the front of our house painted the painter moved the Sky dish to paint behind it(!), so there were a couple of days when we didn't have internet or satellite TV! Just imagine!!

Actually it wasn't too bad. While B. was sleeping I managed to finish writing a couple of articles that I'd been trying to do for a while. One of them was a review of breast milk for Reviewstream.com. When the internet came back I posted it and I'm glad to say that it was accepted, which proves their claim that they will accept reviews for anything and everything, just like they say!

I just had to do it; there are so many reviews there for various formulas, and I thought it was important that breast milk also be considered as a choice, and a great one at that!

The International Breastfeeding SymbolThe International Breastfeeding Symbol

In case I missed out any of the amazing benefits of breast milk, here are a few more.
101 Reasons to Breastfeed Your Child.

Photo credit: 007b.com

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