Thursday 4 September 2008

A little tai chi in my life

Tai chi is one of my passions in life. I attended classes for several years, and my first provided me with a life-changing education in the Wudang style of tai chi. At this school you learn the form, (a set routine of inter-connected movements), alongside its self-defense applications. I loved this class, although I favoured the form and the relaxation side over the self-defense aspects.

I'm really excited to have come across the video below, which shows the Wudang short, circular hand form. This is one of the first forms that you learn when you join a Wudang class.

The Wudang Style

Tai chi taught me to relax in a way that I'd never relaxed before. It takes a little while to learn a form, but once you've mastered it your body begins to carry out these moves automatically, without you having to think about it; leaving your mind completely relaxed. Your body, mind and soul are soothed by this flowing exercise, which is often described as a moving meditation.

When that class stopped I was very upset. I tried a few others but they just weren't the same, and I continued to practice the Wudang forms at home. A few years later I came across a class that taught a special form of tai chi for people with arthritis. As I'd developed some problems with my joints I thought it sounded like a nice, gentle form that would suit me down to the ground!

This was extremely different to the Wudang class. It was a very short form, lasting only a few minutes, but it was just as relaxing and enjoyable. And the emphasis of this class was firmly on relaxation, energy flow and health. As this form was so short it was very easy to learn, and even now, years after the class ended I can still remember it, and I try to practice it a few times every day. A perfect antidote to toddler tantrums!

And I'm hoping that one day B. will also be interested in learning tai chi. I feel that she would benefit from learning this relaxing art!

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